Measles in the Western Pacific Region: progress towards elimination, 2009 – 2012

The Western Pacific Region’s success in measles incidence reaching a historic low, decreasing by 83% from 34.0 to 5.9 cases per million population, is the highlight of a new progress report published in WHO’s Weekly Epidemiological Record and the CDC’s Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report. The report also states that additional efforts are needed to … Continue reading

Measles in 2011: devastating, surprising outbreaks and some success

Measles continued to make a disturbing comeback in 2011, with several new and ongoing outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable virus. These included outbreaks in countries with some of the best, and, some of the worst health systems in the world.  Encouragingly,  many countries with support of the Measles Initiative stopped measles outbreaks that had been a … Continue reading